Laboratory apparatus & consumables

Laboratory apparatus & consumables

top products from LABSOLUTE®

An absolute must in your daily work is to rely on the quality of laboratory apparatus and equipment. But then again, there is always a need to keep an eye on the budget when purchasing laboratory consumables and equipment. With LABSOLUTE® products you're on the safe side in every respect.'

The LABSOLUTE® brand stands for

  • Strictly controlled production
  • Top quality at attractive prices
  • Wide product range with regular additions


LABSOLUTE® always has the right product for you – whether you’re looking for general laboratory accessories and apparatus or specific laboratory supplies for occupational protection and safety technology, analytical measurement and testing, liquid handling or Life Science.

To cater for chromatography requirements, we have produced a catalogue of consumables from LABSOLUTE® and solvents from CHEMSOLUTE®. We also offer you the Vials & Caps Finder. This is a convenient practical online tool with a variety of filters that quickly displays vials, caps and accessories based on the product properties you enter.

"we’re pleased to help!"

Do you have any questions regarding our current or planned products, suggestions or ideas for improvement? Do you need more information? Simply give us a call or send us a short e-mail. Our Product Management Team looks forward to hearing from you.

Select product properties and display suitable products from the Th. Geyer range with filter options.

Vials & Caps Finder

The quick way to find vials and caps

More information

Always up to date: laboratory equipment, consumables and chemicals from our brands LABSOLUTE (R) and CHEMSOLUTE (R).


2 top brands on one website

to the website

[Translate to English:] Produkt- und Markenauswahl namhafter Hersteller aus dem Bereich Life Science finden Sie bei Th. Geyer

Life Science expertise

At Th. Geyer

Wide selection of products and brands from well-known manufacturers with customer support from biologists and biochemists.

More information

[Translate to English:] Unser Produktmanagement-Team berät Sie ausführlich über unsere Produkte



Tel.: +49 7159 1637 823
Fax: +49 7159 1637 710
